Mortgage Lenders in Kenhorst, PA

Are you on the hunt for real estate in Kenhorst, PA, and require the best mortgage lenders in the area? Look to Bellco Federal Credit Union for the most appropriate product for your planned purchase and personal financial situation - current and future.

Bellco Federal Credit Union, a non-profit, member-owned credit union, evolved as a legacy of Bell Telephone Credit Union. In 1938, the employees of the Bell Telephone Company joined forces to help one another progress financially. Our commitment is to help our members with appropriate financial products and services.

We proudly serve the small businesses and individuals of Berks County, PA.

The membership process is incredibly simple. We welcome all immediate family members of existing Bellco FCU members as well as anyone who resides, works, attends church, or goes to school in Berks County to establish membership by opening a primary Member Savings account. The deposit can be very minimal; $5 will do.

Membership is for life, too. Once you join Bellco FCU, your status will not expire or be canceled due to any change in situation. Your immediate family will also have eligibility to join when the time comes.

Appropriate Home Loan Options

At Bellco FCU, future homebuyers can find a range of home loan options.

Our team will work to help you find the right package for your first time home buying experience, refinancing, custom build, vacation home purchase, or investment purchase.

30-Year Fixed-Rate Home Loan - Have you found the perfect home for your family to grow and live for a long period of time? If so, a long-term fixed rate loan will allow you to spread out the repayment for a lower monthly bill. As a fixed-rate loan, this bill will remain the same throughout the years.

15-Year Fixed-Rate Home Loan - With a shorter repayment term, this loan will come with a higher monthly bill. However, over the years of repayment, the interest you pay will be dramatically lower.

An ARM, or Adjustable Rate Mortgage, generally provides a low interest rate initially. After a certain period, the interest rate will then become the prime rate plus a certain percentage. This basis will mean that the payment and interest may fluctuate during the loan repayment term. For many homeowners, this change can be hugely problematic after the initial period ends.

Do you want to build your own home? Consider a Construction Loan. This lending product will allow you to borrow in order to build your own home as you envision it should be.

If you’re a veteran, consider taking advantage of a VA Mortgage, offered by the US Department of Veterans Affairs. This program helps those who sacrificed for us buy a place of their own in a more affordable fashion.

Two other government loan programs designed to promote home ownership include FHA mortgages and USDA home loans. The FHA mortgage doesn’t require a substantial down payment and allows for credit deficiencies, and the USDA Home Loan is a 30-year fixed rate loan with lower than usual interest rates.

The best mortgage lenders serving citizens in Kenhorst, PA, stand ready at Bellco Federal Credit Union. Reach out today to discuss your plans, your financial situation, and the best home loan options for the financial health of your family today and tomorrow.